Musical Director

Mirelle Hopwood


Mirelle is a passionate advocate for choral singing, not only as a central part of any musical education, but also for the profound expressive, social, emotional and physiological benefits it delivers and the communities that it creates.

She believes a successful choral experience starts with carefully chosen repertoire which provides a challenge but is also engaging and appealing to the choir and audiences alike. The rehearsal process should be dynamic and lively, and emphasise fun: the journey, after all, is at least as important as the destination. A sense of accomplishment is paramount to the rehearsal process and each singer should feel supported and encouraged to work within, and push beyond, their comfort zone. It all culminates in performance, where the choir draws back the curtain and invites the audience to share in, and celebrate, the success of the collective endeavour.

Mirelle is enormously proud to be appointed the new Musical Director of the Pride Choir from 2022 onwards. Aware of the incredible trajectory of the Choir from its humble beginnings, to the impressive group it is today, Mirelle is excited to continue the tremendous work done by the previous Director of 14 years, Claire Williamson.

Mirelle began her musical journey at the age of 7 when she began learning the flute. As a music scholarship student at Perth Modern School, she was immersed in choral music and completed her secondary studies in voice. Mirelle commenced her tertiary education by embarking on a double major in flute and voice at WAAPA, and completed it with a Graduate Diploma in education.

Over the course of her career, Mirelle has participated actively in a broad range of musical settings: as an orchestral musician, in opera and oratorio, in choirs and as a soloist, in small ensembles and large productions. Since 2001, Mirelle has worked as a classroom teacher and ensemble director at one of Perth’s premier music institutions, Churchlands Senior High School. She has also worked for the WA Massed Choir Festival since 2012 as committee member and co-conductor, sharing the joy of choral singing with thousands of primary school students each year.

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